Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Chapter in Life

It's been about a month since my last post and I am happy to say I can cross two things off my resolutions list! First off I ran my first 5K Saturday, May 14th at the Bridge the Gap to Health race in Quincy, IL with my best friend Kayla. Despite the cold and rainy weather we completed the course in 35 minutes. Not the fastest time, but we can say we finished it. We only had to stop and walk a few times and didn't walk very long, only a couple minutes and then we were back at it. It was so neat to run across both bridges that span the Mississippi River. We are planning to try it again June 11th at the Liberty 5K Fun Run. Hopefully we have some much better weather and can improve our time.

Secondly and the biggest news...starting June 6th I will be the Assistant Marketing Manager for The Salvation Army Kroc Center. I came across this great opportunity the week before we left for Mexico. I sent in my resume and was called the day they received it to come in for an interview. What great news to receive before we left for vacation! The day after we got back I went in for my interview and they called that afternoon to invite me back on Friday. I had to inform my current boss of the situation, to which she discussed with Mercantile and was able to counter-offer the Kroc Center. Last Friday I was offered the position which left a huge decision to be made over the weekend. With Mercantile's offer, both jobs were close in pay and offered similar benefits. After much discussion with family and friends and thoughts of my own I decided to start a new career path and take the job at the Kroc Center. I feel I will have more responsibility and will be busier as this new position. I just didn't know what was going to happen with the bank these days and if I would have stayed what if something would have happened in the next six months and I missed my opportunity? Also if I was so valuable to Mercantile, why did they wait until I was going to leave to offer me a promotion and raise? If they would have offered me something a few months ago, most likely I would not have applied for the Kroc Center position. The hardest part of this process has been telling my boss. She does not want to see me go and I think she is taking it pretty hard. She wanted me to stay longer than I thought I needed to so I had to inform her yesterday of my last day. It was pretty quiet in the office the rest of the day, but I feel this is the right choice for me and my future. I am eager to start this new chapter in my life and see what the future brings.

We've got some busy weekends coming up but I am looking forward to all of them, baby showers, wedding receptions, wedding showers, and camping trips all with great friends! Let's hope the weather shapes up so we can make it out on the river too.